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What were you doing when the rainstorm came?教学设计

已有 591 次阅读2019-4-25 11:47 |个人分类:教学设计| 教学设计


本节课是人教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 5 Section B Reading部分的内容。在前四节课讲述“unforgettable events”的基础上,谈论Do you remember what you were doing ?话题。教学设计从大处入手(回顾国内外的重大历史事件),从小处落脚(写出自己成长过程中难忘的一件事),以谈论历史上两个重大的突发事件为主线,通过问题引领学生阅读,借助图示适时小结重构文本,使学生以问题和小结为抓手,更好地深入理解文本。同时,让学生在回顾历史的过程中,树立正确的荣辱观, 培养学生崇尚自由民主、热爱和平、反对战争的意识,学会珍藏记忆,珍惜生活。教材的阅读板块中含有明确的学习策略指导,因此,教学过程的设计应以帮助学生运用学习策略、调整学习过程为主,促进学生自主学习能力的发展,为以后高层次的阅读奠定基础。同时为学生构建思维导图,让学生运用思维导图对短文的结构进行梳理,把握短文的写作脉络。



1. 知识与能力:

1)复习掌握过去进行时结构: was/were+doing ,并能用其谈论过去发生的事情。

2)掌握与本节课话题“Talk about past events” 有关的词汇和短语,如: pupil, completely, shocked, recently, in silence, take down...


2. 过程与方法:


3. 情感态度与价值观:





I. Warming up

Play a game.(Rush answers)

(设计意图:利用游戏环节开启课堂教学,能迅速吸引学生的兴趣,培养良好的教学氛围,拉近师生之间的距离,同时引出本节课的重点句型: Do you remember what you were doing。)

II. Lead in

Watch a video

(设计意图:通过观看新中国成立、香港回归和抗日战争胜利暨世界反法西斯胜70周年阅兵式的视频串烧,引导学生理解重大历史事件对不同时代人的影响,同时引出本节课的主要观点People often remember what they were doing when they heard the important events in history,为本文两个事件的学习做铺垫。)

III. Pre-reading

Predict: What is the passage about?


IV. Fast reading

Read the passage fast and match each paragraph with its main idea.

(设计意图:让学生初步了阅读文本的大体框架, 构建思维导图,学会运用阅读策略:The first sentence of each paragraph can help you.)

V. Careful reading

1. Read Para. 1 and answer the questions below.

(1).What was the event?

(2). When did it happen?

(3). Where did it happen?

(4).Do many people remember what they were doing when they heard the news?

Why do many people remember what they were doing when they heard the news?(引导学生说出This was an important event. People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news.

(设计意图:通过让学生细读第一段,让学生掌握描述事件客观事实的基本要素,What, Whenand where, 继续构建思维导图。同时,对问题四加以追问,引导学生第一次在文本中感知People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news.)

2. Read Para. 2 and fill in the blanks.

(1). Robert Allen was a school _______ when Dr. Martin Luther King was killed.

(2). When Robert Allen and his family  heard the news on the radio, they _____________________ in the kitchen.

(3). His parents were _____________________, and after that, they finished the rest of our dinner __________.

Why were his parents completely shocked?

Why did Allen and his parents finish the rest of their dinner in silence ? (在回答完问题后,对第三小题进行思考,体会completely shockedin silence的用意,让学生进行深层阅读.)

(设计意图:通过让学生细读第二段,让学生掌握描述过去事件时我们还需添加其它要素:What …doing? How…feel? Why was it important? 继续构建思维导图。同时,对问题三加以追问,让学生体会completely shockedin silence的用意,引导学生深层理解,强化本课主题。)

3. Read para3 and answer the questions below.

(1).What happened to the World Trade Center?

(2). Where did it happen?

(3). Which day has meaning to most Americans according toPara.3?


(设计意图:通过让学生细读第三段,让学生在了解911事件的同时,强化掌握描述事件客观事实的基本要素,What, Whenand where, 继续构建思维导图。同时,对问题三加以追问,让学生了解911恐怖事件对人类造成的巨大伤害。)

4. Read para4 and tell T or F.

1Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center. (    )

2Kate didn’t think her friend was telling the truth about the event. (    )

3After Kate realized it was true, she had trouble thinking Clearly. Because she was so scared. (    )



(设计意图:通过让学生细读第四段,并对scared 追问,同时观看视频,体会当时人们刻骨铭心的恐惧,最后论证本课的观点。)

VI.After reading


1. Why does the writer put these two events together?

2. Where can we find this kind of passage?

3. What does the writer want to tell us?



1.      Discuss how to write a past event?


2.      请以My unforgettable thing为题写一篇短文.


VIII. Summary


IX. Homework

1.      Polish your own article.

2.      Search more information about events in China and abroad.



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